Hippocrates symposium and Dorothy Molloy

I have been reading Dorothy Molloy's two collections from Faber, Hare Soup and Gethsemane Day to prepare for chairing a session at the Hippocrates Symposium tomorrow on poetry and medicine.

Somehow when Hare Soup appeared in 2004, I was distracted, absent, but what a delight to discover these two books. As I read, I am drawing up a list of friends I want to give these collections to. At one stage I had to stop myself reading aloud on the train, saying:"Listen to this."

The late Dorothy Molloy
pic: Faber&Faber

About Dorothy Molloy at Salmon Poetry: http://www.salmonpoetry.com/details.php?ID=169&a=165

Katy Evans Bush on Hare Soup: http://www.thepoem.co.uk/dorothy.html

2013 International Symposium on Poetry and Medicine: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/med/research/csri/research/cpt/poetry/symp/