I am one of many poets who wrote a poem from a line or lines by Gwendolyn Brooks, for this anthology, published in 2017.
Compering for PigHog Brighton 2017. Photo Andrew King
Compering at Brighton Poemathon December 2016 Photo Katrina Quinn.

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1. Kipling Festival, Rottingdean, with residents of two care homes, 2015
2. Seaford Head species books, 2015
3. A project with Rambert Dance in Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
4. With Theo Dorgan and Michael Longley, Cuisle Poetry Festival, Limerick
At the first South Downs Poetry Festival in Lewes, July 2016 |
Launching Woman's Head as Jug, King's Lynn 2013. CK Stead (l) Kit Wright (r) |

Aldeburgh Poetry Festival line up 2004: (Front row left to right: Colette Bryce, Margaret Atwood, Fadhil Al-Azzaw, Martha Kapos, me, Helena Nelson and Anne Marie-Fyfe...Second row first left: Sean O'Brien, Paul Muldoon.. middle: Tony Hoagland and David Constantine...far right: Sarah Maguire, Michael Longley. Back row, centre: Hans Magnus Enzensberger)
Bowl of Rice - for the Rice Pavilion at the Jubilee Library, Brighton
Poets at Buckingham Palace 16 October 2007 (left to right: Chrissie Gittins, me, Moniza Alvi, Mario Petrucci, Wendy French)
Writing new colour names on the windows of the De la Warr Pavilion, Bexhill.
Helen Storey's Forensic Dress - a detail. The first line of my poem, Lovers' Triptych, is on a name tag stitched into the dress.
Kings Lynn 2003 with (l) the late Julia Darling and (r) Simon Armitage |
Kings Lynn Poetry Festival with Marilyn Hacker |
Roald Dahl Foundation funded residency Treloar College 2002-2003 |
I developed a year's worth of activities for working with young people with multiple special needs. At the end of the residency, some performed poems for the first time in their lives, others acted in a play we co-wrote.
Architexts residency at Shoreham Airport, Sussex |
'We envied predatory birds, the gull, eagle, sparrowhawk, enough to borrow their identities...' from Valkyrie, written during the residency. My father was an aircraft engineer and amateur pilot.
Working with Loxwood School in Barking on poems about identity and science |
Kings Lynn Poetry Festival 2000 with (l) Kit Wright and (r) Pauline Stainer |
Arriving at Kings Lynn Poetry Festival 2013 for the launch of Woman's Head as Jug
The Troubadour, Earl's Court, May 2013 for Anne-Marie Fyfe's Coffee House poetry |